Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My first days in Nairobi

Yesterday (jana), I landed in Nairobi.
The minute I got off of the plane, I could smell Nairobi. It felt like I was coming home.

Leaving DC was difficult. I know when I return it will be much different than it is now. I will always cherish the last four years I spent in the Nations Capitol, the friends I made, and the food I ate :o). Life changing--and truly the best four years of my life.

It's past my bed time, so I don't have a lot of time to recap the last 4 days.
However, I will share two photos with you.

First, is me with my Kenyan family. Jacob and Shoki surprised me at the airport! Their welcome was the perfect start to my year here in Kenya.

Jacob (the 7ft tall man -just graduated from HS today) and Shoki (my sister and Kenyan bff) making fun of my height as I stand next to her brother.

The next photo is my boss, Dr. James Copple, and I meeting with Professor Leah Marangu at Africa Nazarene University.

ANU =Beautiful campus. Passionate people. It will be an inspirational place to work.
The first day was productive and full of wonderful ideas and strategic conversation.

Jet leg hasn't hit me yet, but the next few days will be the true test. Maybe I can skip it this time?

Okay, to be completely honest, one not-so-good thing happened this morning...
My straightener, is gone. Dead. I am without words.
For those of you who know how special the GHD straightener is, you feel my pain.

Maybe God is telling me to go natural...hehehe or maybe to take better care of my things.

That's all for now. Lala salama! (Sleep well, Good Night!)


  1. CASSIE! Miss you so much -- you look so fresh and beautiful and stylin' just off the airplane, it doesn't even look like you had an international flight! How did you do it???

    things in DC are falling apart without you -- literally, rain is pouring everywhere and the government is in shambles, and nothing is fun.

    haha. well i guess it's not THAT bad, but it is a sad sad sad place without you.

    misssssss you deary. keep writing.

  2. Go natural... or get braids! Love you, Cassie. Just add you to my reader--look forward to following your blog!
